About Travis Stowe

I’m a happy father of two sons and I love to bow hunt. Life has so many turns that it can sometimes be hard to stop for just a moment and breathe. That is what hunting does for me. I was introduced to hunting when I was 12 years old but at that time I was only familiar with hunting using a rifle. It was 2009 when Scott convinced me to put the rifle down and try a bow. There is something about hunting with a bow that makes the hunt even more challenging which is what I think drew me in. I’ve always loved hunting but now I feel I have a new passion for hunting because I hunt with a bow. That doesn’t mean I won’t ever use a rifle again, it just means I prefer my bow over my gun these days.
What I like to do when I’m not hunting:
During the offseason of hunting, I like to section hike up the Application Trial, kayak down the Chattooga river through class III class IV rapids, fly fishing on the Chattahoochee River, and find the perfect weather to go camping.
My Professional Life:
As much as I like to get away to the outdoors, I do have a professional life too. Currently, I’ve been putting my technical mind toward roofing here in Georgia which is fun and refreshing. Even started up a quality Roofing company called A Very Good Roofing & Restoration Company, LLC. Yes, you read that correctly, it’s called just how it sounds. Outside of that, for the past 20 years, I’ve worked as a freelance web designer and still do to this day. I’ve had the pleasure of designing for some great outdoor companies. It’s because of the clients that I can work from home at times and have a closer relationship with my family. I can’t be thankful enough to have the ability to watch both my sons grow up and be there for them. That means more than anything to me.
Why podcasting?
I love listening to podcasts and there have been some good ones over the years. Lessening to podcasts helped me improve my ability as a bowhunter and while there are a few other podcasts on bowhunters, I believe Scott and I have a different take on the subject and feel this is a great outlet for us. I hope in time people will come to trust our BowRush Podcast as a source to learn more about bow hunting.
My current bow setup:
- Bow – Mathews Drenalin @ 72.5 pounds
- Sight – CBE Tek-Hunter Pro Camo
- Rest – Quality Archery Designs: Ultra Rest HD Pro Series
- String – Winners Choice
- Arrows – 300 grain Radial X Weave: Still Hunter
- Broadheads – Slick Trick Magnum 100gr
- Release – Scott Archery
- Bow Quiver – Trophy Ridge 1-Piece Detachable 5 Arrow Cage
A bucket list hunt I want to do before I die! – Alaska Caribou
Deep down I feel that anyone who is a hunting has a bucket list on certain animals that they want to go after before they die. I say go after because hunting is a very clear meaning which is to hunt. Or better yet let's use the direct meaning which is...
Bowhunter Back In Shape – Before / After Results
I completed my 16 week fitness challenge that I posted about on Jan 11, 2015 called My Personal 2015 Fitness Goals Before Next Bow Hunting Season As a recap, after my son was born, I decided to focus all my time and energy on him so that I wouldn't miss any of...
My Personal 2015 Fitness Goals Before Next Bow Hunting Season
Hey guys, looking over last year and how I felt physically made me realize that going into 2015 I want to get back in shape. Before I had my son, I had completed a fitness program called Jet Set Body, twice to be exact but that was in 2012. In 2013 when my wife and...
Sharing My Passion With My Son
Bow hunting is a huge passion of mine and now that I am a father, I want to share my passion of archery and bow hunting with him. He's not even a year old yet and I can see him smile when I am shooting my bow which is awesome. He's now becoming of the age where he...
2014 Archery Opening Weekend – Recap
Who's excited about archery opening season? This guy. : ) That's right, it's that time again where the weather is starting to cool down just enough to tease you. Archery season opened up in Georgia on September 13, which was a Saturday. I got my chance to go to...
My First Compound Bow! – 2009 Recap
Ah memories. I bought my very first bow back in 2009. It was after doing a lot of research and spending hours at Bass Pro looking at all the different types of bows however I couldn’t make a choice on what I wanted. I took my time learning about each type...
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