About Chasten Parson

Faith, Family, hunting. These are the best ways to describe my life. I have a wife and 2 sons. I have been hunting since I was old enough to hold a rifle. I was introduced to the outdoors by my grandfather. I strive to carry on that tradition with my kids.
I’ve been an avid bow hunter for 9 years. I started out by hunting squirrels and other small games that can be found in the north Georgia mountains. All of which started a passion for the outdoors. I have devoted a large portion of my life, to the pursuit of the whitetail deer, and turkey. I’m a firm believer in passing on your passion for the outdoors to the next generation.
My professional life:
I’ve been a Firefighter/Emt since 2018
Why podcasting:
I love to talk about hunting and can talk about hunting for hours at a time. I love to engage in conversations with other outdoorsmen about the outdoors.
My current bow setup:
- Bow – Hoyt Defiant
- Sight – Trophy Ridge React H5
- Rest – QAD ultra rest
- Arrows – gold tip 340 grain
- Broadheads – MegaMeat 100 grain
- Release – TruFire
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